In 2007 Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman starred in the movie The Bucket List (one of my favorites). The gist of the movie is that they were both dying and there were several things that they each wanted to do before they "kicked the bucket" so to speak. However, it is my observation that neither of them had really thought about time running out. One was preoccupied with his job and the other just didn't have the money to think about it.
Well, in my case it's both. I'm so preoccupied trying to make ends meet that it has been a long time since I've dreamt about doing anything or going anywhere. I don't know what happened but somehow the end of the tunnel opened up and I saw a bright light at the end. All of the sudden I started dreaming again of all the things, big and small, that I want to do. By the time I will actually have the means to do some of them I'm sure the list will have grown exponentially. However, I want to share some of them with you now and I'll add to it later. These are probably not in the order they will happen and definitely not in the order of importance.
1) Africa
2) Tour the town of Hershey, PA
3) Get a huge bed with a great mattress
4) Decorate my walls with paintings from
5) Go car shopping without thinking ONLY about gas mileage and monthly payment.
6) Spend a day at a real day spa
7) Volunteer somewhere meaningful
8) Go get a skunk egg in West, Texas
9) See Europe
10) Get Tug up to date on all his shots and get pet insurance
11) Get yearly mammograms even if my insurance doesn't pay for it
12) Disney World
13) Run a 5K
14) Stay in a grand hotel
15) Landscape my back yard
16) Get central heat & air for my parents
17) Paint a couple of walls in my house
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