Narrative Therapy was developed by Michael White. The most basic premise of this therapy is that everyone has a story to tell and when the story takes an unexpected turn, 'angst' is created. For instance, think about the movie "Message in a Bottle." It is a love story that takes all sort of crazy turns and then finally the characters get everything straight and it seems like they are meant to be together at last. However, in the last 10 minutes of the movie, a message is delivered that says the male character has died in a storm at sea. WHAT?? I walked out of the theatre feeling shocked and dejected. It was a terrific movie that went all wrong as far as I'm concerned. They were supposed to end up together!! But that isn't how the author wrote it out for them.
So maybe your story took a wrong turn somewhere. Perhaps your story doesn't even seem to make sense anymore and you wonder what the plot of it is. The good new is this:
There is still time to get back on track and have a happy ending. How? You must give your manuscript to God. You were never meant to write your life for yourself in the first place. You are just the main character and God is the true author.
Hebrews 12:2 ~ looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith...
If God is the author then everything that happens makes sense in the end. It is all part of the plot and plan.
And what about the past? What about the part you've already written and everyone has already read? You can accept the past – it can be edited and used for a purpose. No sin, no action, no choice on your part is too big for God to handle – or too big to be worked for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). What if Paul, once a murderer of Christians, had dwelt upon his past mistakes and let them hold him back?? We would now be missing a major part of the Bible that gives account of his missionary journeys and all those that were won over to the cause of Christ. So go on! Give your manuscript over to God and let Him finish and perfect your story. It's never too late.
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