Monday, May 25, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First Thought ~

I did not make up this survey but I like it. You are supposed to read the word and type in your first thought. Of course, I could not just put anything simple because my thoughts just kept going on and on and I couldn't remember what the very first one was. So here are my thoughts about the following words or phrases:

Immediately thought about relationships between men and women and had a panic attack, LOL! Ok, I'm just kidding. I did get kind of serious though. There are so many different kind of relationships. The key is finding out which ones are healthy and nurturing them. My most fulfilling relationship right now, aside from God, is with my parents :)

Your Last Ex
Must we go over this again? I pity the man and that is all I feel for him.

Have I paid my electricity bill yet? No kidding, that was my first thought. Finances are tight these days but I'm still trusting God!

Birthday Cake! I don't know why. I just love it. But also I love to cook and try new things so "food" is a positive word for me.

I HATE the devil!! He has used drugs to mess up so many lives and I am fighting it everyday.

George W. Bush
Man, he is SO hot! I tease that I voted for him both times because he was cute. He is but that isn't really why I voted for him. And although that sounds disrespectful, I have the utmost respect for him and Mrs. Bush. They've had a rough time of it and get a lot of unfair criticism. I love them.

The War in Iraq
Hot. I think it must be hot over there and that was my first thought. But I am SO proud of our soldiers who have risked their lives to protect mine. Thank you so much, you'll never know how grateful I am.

What about 'em? I mean, they are necessary but other than that, I really don't care.

Gas Prices
Quik Trip! I love Quik Trip! That's where I buy my gas but I also love to go in and look at the row of coffee machines and fountain drinks. They also have the cleanest bathrooms if you ever have to go while you're out shopping.

My cat costume when I was little. I know Halloween is a pagan holiday but I didn't know that until I was grown so it doesn't represent anything except candy and fun to me.

Mustafa Abdulla. My very good friend who used to say, "It's politics, Jennifer, just politics" when he didn't agree with something/anything. I miss him so much sometimes :(

Worst Fear
Bills piling up in my mailbox. That's why I don't check it for days at a time. And snakes.

Now that's some scary stuff! But I like frogs...

Well, I was going to say something else but then I remembered this is supposed to be first thought stuff. So I really can't say anything now. This is a Christian Blog!!

Marriage not for the weak of heart! But I truly did think of good things like loyalty, trust, love...

Wonder Woman. She is the prettiest brunette I've ever laid eyes on! And she can jump over stuff.

I LOVE red hair!

Beware of the ones you think are dumb!!

Digging ditches. That is what I consider work.

Animals ROCK!! I LOVE animals, especially giraffes. And monkeys. And zebras. Ok, well, I really love all of them.

Porta Potties
Gross. What does this have to do with anything?

Christmas Morning, just rolling out of bed and drinking coffee and listening to carols in my pajamas. Seriously, that is what "pajamas" made me think of!

My granny. I would give anything to see her in something other than a picture!

People I trust, laugh with, share with (except for toothbrushes), shop with :)

I thought this said "enemas" and wrote something totally different. But let me back up a bit now. Enemies... I don't think I have any worth mentioning so I won't really waste my time trying to think something up.

For some reason San Antonio popped into my mind, although I would LOVE to go somewhere I've never been before. Someday I am going to travel a lot!

Coffee. I always think of coffee! I'm drinking it right now!

Monday, May 18, 2009

One Lovely Blog Award ~

I'm very pleased and thankful to my dear friend Tawana at Anything and Everything for this lovely award.
Please visit her blog and check out her posts. The rule is that you have to pass on this award to 15 new blogs. While the blogs I'm listing are not necessarily new blogs, they are most definitely informative, fun, insightful and and inspirational and deserve to be acknowledged. So, like a few others, I'm bending the rules a bit, hopefully I'll be forgiven :) I also think maybe I can't count, you be the judge lol. (By the way, you don't necessarily have to pass this on but it's a nice way to pay tribute to some of your favorite bloggers :)

One Lovely Blog Award Recipients

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Houston ~ We Have Lift-Off!

On May 11, 2009 I was athe gym pedaling hard and getting nowhere fast. I didn't care though because I had my earbuds plugged in to the sound on the TV and I got to watch the Space Shuttle Atlantis blast off. My favorite part is when they start counting down and then the shuttle slowly starts to move and everyone breaks into applause. It was such an amazing few minutes that I almost started crying. The following Friday I was listening to the radio on the way to work and I heard something that actually did make me start crying! The morning after they launched up into space, the crew woke up to a very special and appropriate song that NASA was playing for them. Here are the words:
Lord of all creation
of water earth and sky
The heavens are your Tabernacle
Glory to the Lord on high

God of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe declares your Majesty
And you are holy, holy
Lord of Heaven and Earth
Lord of Heaven and Earth

Early in the morning
I will celebrate the light
When I stumble in the darkness
I will call your name by night
Lord of heaven and earth
Lord of heaven and earth
To the Lord of heaven and earth!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Feathers, Lord, Feathers!!! ~

My mother understands the title of this one but I'll explain it. There was once a woman in trouble and she could not remember the Bible verse to quote so she shouted out, "Feathers, Lord, Feathers!!!" The verse actually goes like this:
Psalm 91:4 - He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
Dear God,
I am so thankful for all of the wonderful things in my life ~ my family, my friends, a roof over my head, and everything else you have blessed me with. I'm so grateful that I know You. I'm so sorry that sometimes I have trouble trusting you and I get anxious. Today is one of those days. The situation is way over my head and I'm totally helpless. I've been singled out and talked about and judged unfairly. I guess You know what that feels like even more than I do though! Everything is out of control and chaotic and I don't know what to do anymore. Please, please take over and cause the pieces to fall where they were meant to. Please guide and direct my every move so that I can not be found at fault in any further incidents. Help me to trust that whatever happens, whatever the outcome, Your hand is in it and it is Your will. God help me to be able to focus on the good things in my life and not be overwhelmed by the frustrating things. God, cover me with your loving feathers and protect me and shield me from harm. Strengthen my mind and heart and give me courage to trust in Your strong wings. I love You so much and give You praise in advance for working everything out for my good. Thank You God and goodnight.
Love Always,
Psalm 91 - 1 The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." 3 He Himself will deliver you from the hunter's net, from the destructive plague. 4 He will cover you with His feathers; you will take refuge under His wings. His faithfulness will be a protective shield. 5 You will not fear the terror of the night, the arrow that flies by day, 6 the plague that stalks in darkness, or the pestilence that ravages at noon. 7 Though a thousand fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, the pestilence will not reach you. 8 You will only see it with your eyes and witness the punishment of the wicked. 9 Because you have made the LORD— my refuge, the Most High—your dwelling place, 10 no harm will come to you; no plague will come near your tent. 11 For He will give His angels orders concerning you, to protect you in all your ways. 12 They will support you with their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. 13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the young lion and the serpent. 14 Because he is lovingly devoted to Me, I will deliver him; I will exalt him because he knows My name. 15 When he calls out to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble. I will rescue him and give him honor. 16 I will satisfy him with a long life and show him My salvation.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day from You-Know-Where!

Yesterday was literally a day from hell. Satan has people so bound in their problems and issues that they can think of little other than hurting themselves or ending their lives. Demons have literally been chasing a couple of them around and they hear voices telling them how worthless they are and that they should just end it all now and save everyone a lot of trouble. When I arrived home, exhausted, I lay on the floor and cried out to God. I love these people. They are my brothers and they are being trampled by the enemy. It makes me ANGRY!!! Pray that God goes with me today to help fight the battles for my friends.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Author ~

Narrative Therapy was developed by Michael White. The most basic premise of this therapy is that everyone has a story to tell and when the story takes an unexpected turn, 'angst' is created. For instance, think about the movie "Message in a Bottle." It is a love story that takes all sort of crazy turns and then finally the characters get everything straight and it seems like they are meant to be together at last. However, in the last 10 minutes of the movie, a message is delivered that says the male character has died in a storm at sea. WHAT?? I walked out of the theatre feeling shocked and dejected. It was a terrific movie that went all wrong as far as I'm concerned. They were supposed to end up together!! But that isn't how the author wrote it out for them.
So maybe your story took a wrong turn somewhere. Perhaps your story doesn't even seem to make sense anymore and you wonder what the plot of it is. The good new is this:
There is still time to get back on track and have a happy ending. How? You must give your manuscript to God. You were never meant to write your life for yourself in the first place. You are just the main character and God is the true author.
Hebrews 12:2 ~ looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith...
If God is the author then everything that happens makes sense in the end. It is all part of the plot and plan.
And what about the past? What about the part you've already written and everyone has already read? You can accept the past – it can be edited and used for a purpose. No sin, no action, no choice on your part is too big for God to handle – or too big to be worked for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). What if Paul, once a murderer of Christians, had dwelt upon his past mistakes and let them hold him back?? We would now be missing a major part of the Bible that gives account of his missionary journeys and all those that were won over to the cause of Christ. So go on! Give your manuscript over to God and let Him finish and perfect your story. It's never too late.